Courtesy Corps members

National Courtesy Corps

SkillsUSA is seeking nominees to the National Courtesy Corps (NCC) program for the National Leadership & Skills Conference (NLSC). This program is a great opportunity for students to network with industry partners and experience the national conference in a unique way. NCC members receive free conference registration, housing, local transportation, and meals. Each member is given several free shirts to wear during the week.

To participate in this program, NCC candidates must work with their chapter advisor on meeting local travel requirements and seek approval of their SkillsUSA State Director.

All NCC participants are required to stay at the assigned Georgia Tech campus housing in Atlanta. This campus is about 10 minutes from the Georgia World Congress Center. Student members must be accompanied by a state-approved chaperone (e.g., school instructor and/or SkillsUSA advisor) who must also reside at the Georgia Tech facility. Each chaperone must participate fully in the NCC program by working alongside their student(s) performing similar duties/responsibilities.

The NCC program is a full time commitment, and members will not be able to sign up for other NLSC programs and/or any other state/school obligations. The work of our courtesy corps members supports the technical committees and is deeply appreciated.

For more information, review the full Courtesy Corps eligibility requirements.

NCC members are responsible for their own transportation to and from Atlanta and should arrive on Saturday, June 21, by 4 p.m. ET, so they may begin work in the competition areas on Sunday, June 22. Departure is Saturday, June 28. SkillsUSA will provide individual schedules for students and advisors listing work assignments and breaks.

Questions can be directed to Tracy Whitehead at The link to the NCC candidates’ nomination form will be published here.

Timeline for National Courtesy Corps candidates:

  • March 1: Nomination form link opens.

  • April 30: All NCC nomination forms are due.

    • Note if a participant is and/or will be 18 years of age or older by June 1, the completion of a background check form is required. Note: a background check form will be emailed immediately after the nomination form is submitted.

  • May 1: SkillsUSA state directors will be notified of the state’s eligible candidates.

  • May 7: Deadline for SkillsUSA state directors to approve list of NCC participants.

  • May 8: Notification will be sent to each NCC nominee.

    • If a position is available, the candidate will indicate their acceptance through the response request provided in their email notification. A welcome packet will be shared upon acceptance.

  • May 13: Deadline for ALL participants to accept or decline the position offered.

  • May 16: Deadline for the designated chaperone to submit housing assignment form.

  • June 21: Arrival - participants must report to Georgia Tech housing check-in by 4 p.m. ET.

  • June 22-27: Championships support activities as assigned by Championships management.

  • June 28: Departure - participants must be checked out of housing by 10 a.m. ET.

Courtesy Corps member